

COMETSEA 2023 is organized as a platform for maritime education and training institutions, industry experts and policy makers to exchange knowledge, ideas and best practices related to improving maritime education and training. This conference attracts participants from various countries in the Southeast Asia region and beyond.

The purpose of the 2023 COMETSEA activities:

  1. Improving Maritime Education: Improving the quality of maritime education and training in the Southeast Asia region to comply with international standards and meet the needs of an increasingly complex maritime industry.
  2. Human Resources Development: Supports the development of qualified and competent human resources in the maritime sector, including technical, managerial and environmental sustainability skills.

What we do at COMETSEA?

COMETSEA 2023: International conference Themes and Sessions: The conference focuses on the theme “Advancing Maritime Education and Training in Southeast Asia” and features a variety of sessions, including keynote addresses, panel discussions, paper presentations, and workshops. These sessions facilitate in-depth discussions on curriculum development, technological advances, industry-academia collaboration, and environmental sustainability in maritime education.

Notable Speakers: Notable speakers, including Prof. Maximo Q. Mejia, Jr. (President of World Maritime University), Dr. Manivannan Subramaniam (MMA – Malaysia), Angelica M. Baylon (MMAP External Relations Director), Anthony Khoo (SNIMI – Singapore), Ir. H. Ahmad Wahid, ST, MT, M.Mar.E (Head of the College of Maritime Science), and moderator Dr. Capt. Vishnu Handoko, M.Sc (Secretary of the Transportation Human Resources Development Agency), and Dr. Capt. Mugen S. Sartoto, M.Sc (Head of Tanjung Perak Class I Navigation District), enriched the conference with their views. Networking Opportunities: This event serves as an excellent networking platform, facilitating connections between attendees, maritime educators, researchers, and industry professionals. This encourages the exchange of ideas and potential collaboration. STIP signed a Letter of Intent with Jiangsu Shipping College, China, at the closing of this activity.

Activities at COMETSEA 2023

Upcoming COMETSEA?

COMETSEA is an annual maritime conference that takes place on a yearly basis. The COMETSEA 2024 conference is scheduled to take place on the 24th and 25th of September in 2024. This conference will be attended by not only Southeast Asia, but also other continents. All the information is accessible on the COMETSEA website, which may be accessed at https://cometsea2023.stipjakarta.ac.id/